Runner’s Knee or Knee Pain
The most common diagnosis of Knee Pain is Runner’s Knee. Typically, Runner’s Knee is a secondary symptom of overuse of the knee but more often that not a dysfunction/weakness in the muscles of the hip that support the knee (ie. Glute muscles). As you run, the knee cap (patella) is supposed to naturally glide up and down as the knee bends back and forth; however, with Runner’s Knee the knee cap gets pulled dysfunctionally due to an imbalance of muscle forces. This results in an inflammation/irritation of the structures and tissues around the knee joint itself. Runner’s knee most commonly occurs in people who tend to sit (on their glutes) all day and run infrequently.
We also assess, diagnose and treat other causes of knee pain such as sprains/tears to the MCL, LCL, ACL or PCL, meniscus (medial or lateral) injuries or knee muscle strains (ie. quadriceps, patellar tendon, popliteus, hamstrings, etc.)